Nest Dübendorf

NEST will inaugurate its next unit on September 24th, 2018. The SolAce unit is currently being on the south side of the Empa and Eawag research and innovation building in Dübendorf. SolAce combines two objectives: maximum solar energy via the façade and optimal comfort inside the unit. The concept of the SolAce unit was developed by EPFL researchers around Professor Jean-Louis Scartezzini in close collaboration with numerous industrial partners, including tz carpentry for the structural window part. The objective is to achieve a positive energy balance throughout the year - without using a roof surface to produce energy.
The positive energy balance of the SolAce unit must be achieved directly on the facade by producing electricity and solar hot water. In addition, photovoltaic modules and thermal solar collectors with colored glazing based on nanotechnology are used. Innovative microstructured glazing integrated into windows also allows seasonal dynamic management of heat and sunlight gains.