Cleaning glasses

For easy cleaning, you should have: 

  • a bucket of clean, warm, lime-free water (demineralized water)
  • with a spray of dishwashing liquid
  • a non-abrasive sponge or a nozzle with a sponge
  • a scraper
  • clean cloth to dry the scraper
  • a large cloth

Here is the method:

  • place a large cloth on the inside to collect the drips on the floor
  • rub the glass with the wet sponge
  • pull the liquid with the scraper, American "S" method
  • systematically dry the scraper before resting it on the glass
  • remove drips by dabbing with a cloth
  • if labels or dirt, use your nail, it does not scratch!
  • avoid working in direct sunlight, as water evaporates too quickly
  • avoid hard water that will leave white traces
  • avoid scrapers that will scratch the glasses
  • And if you have Structural or Pollux windows, dirt can't get stuck on sills and cleaning becomes a pleasure!

For the first cleaning at the end of the construction work, it is essential to wet the glasses a lot before rubbing them. The construction dust has stuck to the glasses and you may carry it away with your sponge, which then turns into sandpaper.

