Wood-metal Structural Windows

Based on a wood-metal window, we have developed a version in Structural. The glass is glued to the wood and a metal profile. This innovation has been tested at the Biel Engineering School and has confirmed its air and water tightness and very good wind resistance.

A prestigious project has thus been carried out in Geneva: the Care Building of the Geneva University Hospital, the HUG.



See all references


Glass Insulation CoefficientUg 0.5 - 0.7 W/m²k
Energy savingg 58 - 62 %
Air permeability according to EN 12207classe 4
Driving rain tightness according to EN 12208classe 9
Wind resistance according to EN 12210classe C3
Acoustic glazing insulation Rw tested at 47 dB
Thickness of glass on sashesuntil 66 mm

Choice of colours
